Lord, In My Fear, Remind Me

Lord, You knit me together in my mother’s womb.
You made no mistakes when you stitched me together as a unique creation.
Eyes, ears, mind, heart, and skin color alike.

Lord, I am lost.
I am hurting.
I am confused.
I am tired.
I am dismayed.
Most of all, I am scared.

I am scared that the color of my skin by default will cause others to mistake me for a threat.
I am scared that I will never feel whole.
I am scared that I will never be fully accepted by others for who you have created me to be.
In my fear, it feels as if eternal darkness has fallen.

Help me remember the words of 2 Samuel 22:29.
Help me look to you--the one who lights up my darkness.
The one in whom my soul rejoices.
As I hang my harp and kneel down,
Just as the Israelites did by the waters of Babylon,
May I wash and remember Zion--Your Holy City.
The City yet to come.
The City of God.
The Kingdom of Heaven that is my eternal promise in a perishing world.