An Advent Prayer of Confession & Hope

God of Light and Life,

As we prepare our hearts this Advent,
at the end of a trying year,
we are painfully aware of our need for a Savior.

We’ve spent hours debating our neighbor
but have failed to care for them.

We’ve shared posts crying for justice
but turned our eyes from the overlooked in front of us.

We’ve said you’re the God who supplies all our needs,
but clung tighter to our possessions when our world turned upside down.

We spoke of a God whose love is boundless
but were scared to unpack the bias in our own hearts.

Left on our own, there is nothing right within us.
we have just echoes of justice.

We look for light but find only darkness
For brightness, but find changing shadows.

This year, we wait for you with a sobering awareness
of our humanity and hypocrisy.

And yet, as we pray these words,
we are filled with hope, joy, and an inspired awe.

You are (still) pleased with us in flesh to dwell,
Jesus, our Emmanuel.

*you can see more prayers from Abi on Instagram.