Grace from the Mountaintop

Lord, on this day, we ask you to forgive us. 

Forgive us for the times when we have pointed with disdain at our neighbor for their sin while neglecting to see our own. 

Forgive us for refusing to acknowledge our own biases.

Forgive us for thinking ourselves better than, or superior to, our neighbor.

Forgive us for neglecting the poor, and the marginalized.

Forgive us for overlooking the suffering of another created in the image of God. 

Forgive us for our silence when we should have given voice to those in need.

Forgive us for succumbing to peer pressure instead of struggling alongside the oppressed.

Forgive us for worshiping you with our lips while letting idols rule our hearts.

Lord, forgive us our sin.

{Silence for Reflection}

Father, we pray that you would transform us. 

Turn us from bitterness and hatred.

Teach us to set aside our own desires for the needs of others. 

Unite us in the grace that comes from Christ. 

Make us a people of joy and love. 

Point us ever to the mountaintop where Christ bore the sin of the world that we might be free to live lives of love and service to others.

Through the healing and uniting power of Jesus Christ, we have been forgiven all of our sin. Together we look forward to the day that people from every nation and tribe will join together, worshiping together in harmony. Amen.