Prayer for Peace

Heavenly Father, we come to You today with heavy hearts and weary souls, the weight of this world’s brokenness pushes down on us, heavier and heavier every day. How long Lord will we wait for Your return? How long must we endure the hurt of this life? We cry out to you, Lord, have mercy. 

Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Disaster and tragedy surround us. We pray for those wounded, physically and emotionally, may your peace provide them healing. We pray for those who mourn the loss of loved ones, may your comfort overwhelm them.

Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who find themselves confused and angered by the brokenness and devastation in our world. As they weep and wonder, may they find assurance and serenity in You.

Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, take our hurt, our fear, and our pain, replace them with forgiveness, with trust, and with comfort. Move your church to bold acts of love, of compassion and generosity. This is our prayer. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.