Responsive Confession

This responsive prayer focuses on our need for forgiveness as well as an assurance of the hope that we have in Christ. While it pairs nicely with several Lenten hymns, it can easily be used throughout the year.

Leader: Heavenly Father, we come to you today as a people covered in sin.

Congregation: Too often, we choose what is harmful to us and others. We think our intentions are good, but we deceive ourselves.

Leader: We foolishly attempt to accomplish our salvation with futile acts of moral good, but there is nothing we can do to earn our salvation.

Congregation: Instead, You offered Your Son without blemish to be our atoning sacrifice and cleanse us from sin.

Leader: Though our sins were like scarlet, You have made us white as snow.

Congregation: Washing us in the righteousness of Christ

Leader: Teach us to stand firm in the assurance that there is nothing but the blood of Christ that can make us whole.

Congregation: Jesus, You are our hope, our peace and our righteousness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.