A Prayer for Pentecost

Heavenly Father, We thank you that through baptism You poured Your Spirit on us.

We pray that Your Spirit would daily point us to the forgiveness that we have through Jesus’ death and resurrection. In this forgiveness cause us to recognize the freedom that we have. May Your Spirit compel us to share this good news with our neighbor.

We pray that Your Spirit would humble us to love those who do not think like us, speak like us, look like us, or live like us. Move us to acts of service of not only those we love, but also our enemies and those who do not wish us well, or of whom we do not approve.  

We pray that those we encounter would be confused by our love and yearn to know why we love, and through that yearning  they would see that it is because of the gift of forgiveness we have been given through Christ on the cross.

When we judge, when we ignore, when we neglect, we choose sin.  In the moments we choose sin and the moments we do not even realize we are choosing sin, we ask that Your Spirit would point us right back to the hope we have in Christ through those very same redeeming waters of baptism.

Strengthen and preserve us in faith by Your Spirit until our final day.
It is in Jesus’s name, by the power of the Holy Spirit that we pray. Amen.

photo by Christian Chen