Lord, forgive our divisiveness

LEADER: Heavenly Father, 
we come to you today 
as a broken and divided people. 

that we do not live 
as you call us to live.

L: Lord in your mercy,

C: Forgive us.

L: You call us 
to live in harmony with one another 
and to love one another.

C: Yet, we confess, 
our love runs out 
and harmony turns to discord.

L: Lord in Your mercy,

C: Forgive us.

L: You call us to seek peace 
and too often we stir up dissension.

C: Forgive us for the ways 
that we turn our backs 
on the people that You call us to love.

L: Lord in Your mercy,

C: Forgive us.

L: Hear these words. The God of all grace has reconciled you to himself. He has united the sin of all mankind on the cross of Jesus Christ and taken it to the grave. As Christ was raised to life, so also you have been raised to life and eternally united with Him. Your sins are forgiven.