Artist Feature | Sam & Becca Mizell


What first drew you to music and songwriting?

I think we were born with music in our bones. There wasn’t a time I remember where music wasn’t a part of me. We both grew up using music as a form of expression.

As writers, our journeys were wrapped in trying to express what was happening on the inside. God has used music in our lives to help us relate to Him, ourselves, and the people around us.

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Tell us about the first song you ever wrote together.

I think the first song we wrote together was a song called “I Can Believe You”. I’ll have to say it was an ok first start. We demoed it and it started a working relationship that we share to this day.

As a husband and wife writing team, I imagine your writing process has probably developed a lot over time. Can you give us a window into your creative process?

Our process has been refined over 16 years of marriage. The good thing, we trust each other’s strengths... and help each other’s weaknesses. Becca is incredible with lyrics and melody, so many times she will come to me with an idea. I start up the recording gear and we throw stuff at the wall till something starts sticking. After that, Becca takes the necessary time to groom the lyric, as I dive deep into the track. Then, we come back together, edit, and finish it up.

What artist or songwriter has had the greatest influence on your work?

My biggest influence would be Pete Gabriel... Becca’s biggest might be Amy Grant. Although it’s hard to pick just one.


What are you working on right now?

At the present time, we are working on some film composing, some kids projects, and maybe a Christmas record to be released this year.

You can learn more about Sam & Becca and hear their music HERE.