The Attitude of Christ
A confession and absolution based on the text from Philippians 2.
LEADER: The apostle has called us to have the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus
and thus to do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,
but to humbly consider others better than ourselves
and look to their interests as much as we look to our own.
CONGREGATION: I confess that often my attitude
has not resembled that of my Lord,
though I am His and He is mine,
many of my actions and considerations
have been far more selfish than selfless.
Forgive me, Lord Jesus.
LEADER: Have the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus.
CONGREGATION: I confess that often my attitude
has not resembled that of my Lord,
though I am His and He is mine,
quite often I consider or converse about myself
as being wiser, kinder, more correct...
simply better than others.
Forgive me, Lord Jesus.
LEADER: Have the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus.
CONGREGATION: I confess that often my attitude
has not resembled that of my Lord,
though I am His and He is mine
regularly my thoughts revolve around myself.
The interests of others I often consider important,
when they are my interests too;
for I tend to elevate my preferences, opinions, and desires
as being of utmost importance.
Forgive me, Lord Jesus.
LEADER: Jesus, though God, made Himself nothing for you.
He took the nature of a servant for you.
He humbled Himself and became obedient to death on a cross for you.
For His sake God forgives you!
Now be encouraged, you are united with Him;
be comforted He loves you;
and through the fellowship of the Spirit,
let your attitude be the same as that of Christ Jesus. Amen.