And then, waiting became welcoming,
as creation’s cry was answered.
All that came before led to the moment
when far came close,…
Before you know it this life will come to an end.
Today will slip away with the questions and pain as your eyes close and memories fade.
You’ll go as you arrived…
Read MoreMerciful God, we confess how easy it is
for us to begin to adopt the attitudes
and actions of the world around us;
to let our lives be shaped only by
culture rather than by your call.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear and forgive.
A confession and absolution based on the text from Philippians 2.
LEADER: The apostle has called us to have the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus
and thus to do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit…
Blessed Creator, You have promised those You love rest;
Give us restoring rest needed for life’s toil;
Let Your Spirit make our time of rest
a blessed temple of Christ’s holy presence.
Merciful Father,
May Your love permeate our lives today.
May it flow freely from our hearts,
our mouths, and our thumbs,
Almighty God, hear our cries; cries of despair perhaps barely even audible, cries of pain so loud they echo.
Lord, as You wept over Jerusalem, we know even now Your heart breaks over the brokenness of sin and injustice caused. May it break our hearts as well.
Read MoreWorshipping in the season of COVID has presented a lot of challenges to our congregations. Streaming feels impersonal. In person comes with significant risk. And all other forms of creativity come with confusion, exhaustion, and eventual fizzling.
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